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AI for Telecom

AI for Telecom

AGIE AI offers telecom trailblazers a data-focused platform, enabling them to craft bespoke AI solutions. Whether it's for enhancing customer service, monitoring network integrity, or ensuring security, these applications are enhanced by systematic data labeling.

AI Solutions for Telecom

Harness the power of AGIE AI to develop AI applications that optimize data assets, merging them with advanced models and know-how. Transition from traditional manual labeling methods to automation, allocating valuable human-centric tasks only where they truly matter.

Interaction Analytics

Conduct in-depth examinations of network interactions, various reports, and other relevant data sets.

Intrusion Detection

Identify unusual online traffic patterns and take immediate action to halt potential threats.

Customer Support

Decipher customer intentions and emotions to efficiently direct and offer enhanced support, all while minimising costs.


Craft customised offers and products by studying customer habits and demographics.

Network Optimization

Constantly monitor the health and efficiency of the network, swiftly detecting and anticipating potential issues. Adjust resources promptly for maximum efficacy.

Geospatial Analysis Integrate textual data with geospatial assessments to unearth fresh market potential.

Conversational AI Streamline communication by automatically addressing customer inquiries across platforms (chat, email, voice), enriching the client experience and boosting operational productivity.


  • AGIE Data Engine
  • Vector Database
  • LLM FineTuning
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • AI Guardrails

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