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AI for Government

AI for Government

AI for Government Initiatives

AGIE AI has started on a collaborative journey with the Indian Government, initiating groundbreaking research. This collaboration will flourish, and we will be catering to numerous governmental agencies and departments.

AI Solutions for Government Initiatives

Government bodies employ AGIE AI to develop AI applications and machine learning frameworks for an extensive range of objectives and scenarios.

Acquisition & Financial Management

AGIE AI serves both commercial entities and governmental agencies by facilitating the creation of robust AI/ML tools, enhancing the proficiency of financial tasks. Beyond just unlocking advanced analysis and insights, it ensures smooth regulatory adherence. Ditch the constraints of generic tools and embrace AGIE AI's bespoke solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.

Enterprise Knowledge Management

With AGIE AI, you can precisely and flexibly extract details like clauses, timelines, parties, and other specifics from intricate contracts. Fill up your knowledge repositories with information pulled from both unstructured texts and structured data, enhancing analytics and informed decision-making.

Fraud Detection & Risk Assessment

Stay ahead by swiftly identifying and responding to suspicious financial undertakings. Actively scrutinize documents and transactions to catch any questionable activities. By amalgamating qualitative risk evaluations with tailored quantitative analysis, efficiently gather both financial and auxiliary data from varied sources for comprehensive risk management.

Form Processing

Boost efficiency in processing by autonomously pulling relevant data from materials like contracts, bills, receipts, and other documentation. Once extracted, route this pivotal information to the right departments or initiate suitable follow-up actions seamlessly.


  • AGIE Data Engine
  • Vector Database
  • LLM FineTuning
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • AI Guardrails

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