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Vector Database

Vector Database

Empowering the future of AI applications with cutting-edge vector similarity search technology for superior performance.

Easy to Use

Leverage our vector database solution to establish a large-scale similarity search service in under a minute. We also offer straightforward and user-friendly SDKs compatible with multiple programming languages.

Blazing Fast

Our Vector Database Solution optimizes hardware utilization and integrates sophisticated indexing algorithms, delivering a tenfold increase in retrieval velocity.

Highly Availability

Our Solution is Highly Availabile and validated by Enterprise users. Its robust isolation of distinct system components provides exceptional resilience and dependability.

Highly Scalable

Our System its distributed Architecture and high-throughput capabilities, is tailor-made for handling expansive vector data

Cloud Native

Embracing a holistic cloud-native design, our vector database distinctly segregates compute and storage, facilitating both vertical and horizontal scalability across any cloud provider e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure etc.

Feature Rich

Offers compatibility with diverse data types, enriched vector search combined with attribute filtering, support for UDFs, adjustable consistency levels, time-travel capabilities, and beyond.


  • AGIE Data Engine
  • Vector Database
  • LLM FineTuning
  • Monitoring and Observability
  • AI Guardrails

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